Tuesday 18 October 2011

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death”

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death” 

Humans are intellectual beings and we differ from other species because of our advanced abilities to think. I suppose every one of us wants to grow in different aspects of our lives. Intellectual growth is essential as we take control over our lives through our thinking power and we grow as our mind grows. People who have accomplished something significant stretched their minds above average and were able to achieve those great things because they paid a price to grow intellectually. They searched for answers. They asked questions. They made mistakes and learned from them. They expanded their knowledge by reading and studying books as well as analyzing life around them. They never stopped learning. Research shows that an average IQ of a person starts going down after he/she turns 23. That’s when we usually finish universities and start working. We concentrate on one specific thing and grow only in that area. Unfortunately our intellect starts dying bit by bit as we stop being students of life. So, let us invest into our brains and let the investment not stop until we die.

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